Virtual Visits

Our lives are being dramatically affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. As the experts continue to learn about the situation, CDC recommendations are frequently increasing and changing. For the time being, the best thing we can do is to stay home to help keep those around us healthy. But what does that mean for your smile? With so many parts of your daily life disrupted, postponed, and closed down, oral issues and even emergencies may cause much more anxiety than before. The good news is that Davis & Goldberg Orthodontics is looking out for you! We’re open to any serious emergencies and can help you deal with minor oral issues at home. We’re also offering virtual visits to make sure your treatment is still progressing in the right direction. This means nothing has to keep you from your best smile or extend the process of getting the smile you’ve been working so hard to achieve.

True Emergencies and When to Call

True emergencies are rare, but they can happen. They’re stressful under normal circumstances and even more so when you feel like you have to deal with them alone. However, if something happens to your appliances, we’re still here for you!

Here’s what qualifies as a true emergency:

  • Serious injury or trauma to the face, neck, mouth, teeth, or gums
  • Swelling, infection, or bleeding of the gums or mouth
  • Severe pain or discomfort in your teeth, mouth, face, or neck

If you’re experiencing any of these problems, call us, and we’ll schedule an appointment for you! To ensure your health and safety, we’ll make sure that you’re the only patient in the office, and we’ll follow hygiene precautions as recommended by the authorities. And just like we always do, we’ll adhere to the highest sanitation and disinfection practices. You have no reason to worry about any part of your treatment while we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic together.

Handle Minor Braces Issues At Home

A number of minor issues can still be pretty uncomfortable and frustrating. These home remedies can help reduce pain, discomfort, and irritation.

Mouth Sores

If you’re susceptible to mouth sores, braces can make them worse. Orthodontic wax can be used to cover the bracket or aligner area that’s causing irritation.

Loose or Broken Brackets, Bands, or Wires

If you have a loose bracket, let us know, and we’ll fix it at your next in-office appointment. We can provide instructions to help you remove the bracket from the wire using tweezers. If a loose bracket or poking wires is irritating the inside of your mouth, cover that part with orthodontic wax.

Tooth Pain or Loose Teeth

It may sound scary, but we actually want your teeth to loosen slightly during orthodontic treatment! It’s all part of the process. However, this can make your mouth tender. Saltwater rinses are a great home remedy that can help. Simply mix one teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water, then swish it around your mouth for about 30 seconds. A warm washcloth or a warm heating pad placed on the outside of your jaw can help as well.

Taking Care of Your Teeth and Appliances

Here are some things to keep in mind while you’re at home. Even though the rest of your routine may have changed, it’s important to maintain all of your great oral hygiene habits and keep taking care of your appliances. This includes continuing to brush your teeth twice daily and after meals and flossing daily. Make sure that you also avoid any off-limits foods, such as anything crunchy or sticky.

This also mean continuing to wear any elastics as Dr. Davis or Dr. Goldberg have previously instructed. Make sure to complete a virtual visit periodically so we can determine any changes you may need to make. If you run out of elastics, let us know and we can send you some more!

If you’re undergoing Invisalign treatment, it’s incredibly important for you to continue to wear your aligners. If you don’t have the next aligner, wear the previous aligner for 15-18 hours a day until we’re able to give you a new one. If you run out of aligners completely, visit our virtual visits page and provide the necessary information so we can determine your next steps. If you are awaiting a refinement, please maintain your last tray until we can safely resume your treatment in our office and adjust your attachments as needed.

Keep Your Smile On Track with Virtual Visits

One of the best ways to ensure that your treatment is still going according to plan is with a virtual visit. This is a simple process: First, you’ll take pictures of your smile, following the instructions on our virtual visits page. Second, you’ll give us some basic information about your treatment along with photos showing every angle of your mouth.

Here are some tips to help you take a great photo:

  • Have a friend or family member take the photos, or use the self-timer on your camera
  • Be sure the flash is turned on
  • ONLY photograph your teeth and mouth area
  • Try your best to stay relaxed and avoid tensing up your cheek muscles
  • Keep your teeth together and bite down hard so the pictures are accurate. This is very important!

Dr. Davis or Dr. Goldberg will then use these pictures to make recommendations on adjustments you can make at home, such as how to place your elastics or whether or not you need to change your oral hygiene routine.

Socially Distanced, Virtually Connected

Our goal at Davis & Goldberg Orthodontics is to stay connected and provide support for all of our patients and their families. By offering virtual appointments, we can prioritize both your smile and your safety as we do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. These virtual options link you, Dr. Davis, Dr. Goldberg, and our team so we can continue to work on your smile as a team.